3 Ways E-Commerce Fraud and Disputes Chip Away at Revenue

E-commerce fraud hits your bottom line, coming right out of your profits. Many retailers train their focus on limiting fraud in a way that is not too harsh on the customer experience. However ramping up fraud filtering to prevent disputes can cost you future revenue and using good customer data to build a model for bad actors can undermine the integrity of your entire process. There is a better way.

Chargeback and Retail Dive surveyed 122 retail executives to discover that one of the best practices for curtailing e-commerce fraud is to start by feeding clean fraud and dispute data into your system so you stay competitive in today’s e-commerce environment. In this survey report, we take a look at how:

  • Clean data reduces false positives and increases acceptance rates
  • Automated processes can better handle changes in scale
  • Better dispute management contributes to a better customer experience